Angel Dust
He's seen hell and come out the other side. The he came right back. Now he's just trying to make it...

Hellish bliss
To say that Angel Dust has seen hell and come out the other side would be... the understatement of eternity. Once a mobster in life, now a spider demon in hell, Angel Dust has seen through the eyes of both the abuser and the abused, the drug, the dosage, and the dealer all in one.
As a famous porn star in hell, you're bound to get picked up at some point by someone. Valentino just happened to take that opportunity and turn Angel into the man... demon... spider thing that he is today, for better or for worse. Sure, the pay is... fair enough... and the perks are alright... sometimes. But it doesn't come close to the cost. Dignity, privacy, most would call those expenses too large, but in hell, you need to choose. The streets, or the sheets, and one only leaves you sore for a few days.

About me
With just about 7 years of roleplay experience under my belt, I've decided to make my way back to twitter with the adult side of roleplay. I've done LARP, tabletop, and sexual BDSM style roleplay before, but online roleplay has never been my forte, so to speak. But hey! Might as well shoot my shot, as they say.
I, the writer, am from Boulder Colorado, the weedy puff puff place. No, I don't smoke, the idea actually gives me anxiety. My timezone is GMT -6, Mountain Standard Time (I think).
I'm a writer by trade, short stories being my main medium, so sometimes I tend to get a little carried away with a scene. I can write replies that are up to just about a page or so long if I'm getting into it, but thats on rare occasions.
Don't be afraid to come say hi! My DMs are always open to new comers, just make sure you read the rules before shooting me anything!
Please read this! I know its a lot, it should mostly be common sense stuff, but if you break these rules I have a zero (0) tolerance policy for these kinds of behaviors.
1) When DMing the writer, please do so out of character, unless we've been doing something on the TL and we're just moving it to a private space.
DMing in character without a reason beforehand will result in me deleting the chat and ignoring it.
2) When DMing out of character, please gimme something to work with. Messages like 'hey', 'hi', and 'hello' really don't give me a reason to think that you're invested. That, and now that its here in the rules, I would have reason to believe that you never read these.
DMing stuff like this will have the same result as rule 1. I'll ignore the message.
3) Please keep things civil. Starting drama with me will result in a real quick block, no second chances. Don't get snippy or defensive, don't be a dick, etc.
4) No IRL accounts, submissive bottoms, or submissive females please. I play a gay character, yes, and fem-dom is totally cool, but I'm just gonna ignore accounts that don't fit what I'm looking for. Also, if you're an IRL account, I'll probably block you. So, you've been warned.
5) Don't pester me for likes, RTs, or follows. I will not follow you back if I'm not interested in the content you post. I only follow accounts that put out high quality work. This is my page, I do what I want with it, please respect that.
6) please be patient. The writer (#Psychaotic, me) is a very busy man, so I might take a while to respond to a message. Granted, if it takes a week or so, thats on me, but if its been a few hours, please don't bug me. My timezone is GMT -6, so if you're texting me around 12:00 AM (0:00/24:00) ish my time, I'm probably not going to respond for at least 10 or so hours, because sleep.
Impatience without reason will result in me ignoring your messages, and potentially terminating interaction.
7) Semi related to 4, please don't bump an RP more than one time every 24 hours or so. Just makes my life easier. But if I forget our RP and leave it hanging for a day or two, please, feel free to bump it!
Excessive bumping will result in termination of interaction.
8) Be friendly! This is like the weirder gayer version of 'have fun', but like, don't be afraid to get chummy with me! If we have fun, be playful and stuff. I don't mind. Even OOC. If we've got a good thing going, feel free to act like we know each other IRL or something. I like to get to know you all!
9) if you come to Colorado, you are legally obligated to tell me so I can buy you coffee and complain about RP with you.
Now go browse all the fun stuff!

RP Info
As a writer, I prefer to write scenarios in which the characters have some kind of chemistry. I don't like stale scenes in which there is no relationship between the characters. There should be a dynamic between the two if I'm going to be interested in the RP, otherwise I'm probably going to end up dropping it.
I'm decently selective when it comes to who I choose to roleplay with. If your account looks sloppy, you break the rules above, or your character doesn't interest me, I'll probably say no. That being said, I am open to human and furry characters with no discrimination or preference between the two!
I am a decently detailed writer. In my experience, my favorite roleplays are ones that are detailed, engaging, and chemistry based. I require just about 2 paragraphs minimum, but if I like the quality of your posts, that can be negotiated to a lower minimum. Quality over quantity in my opinion, but in my experience, the higher quality posts tend to be longer.
I am fluent in english and fully literate, and I expect the same from you. Poor use of punctuation or complete lack thereof, poor grammar or mismatching grammar, and beginner mistakes (their VS they're VS there, to VS two VS too, etc.) will likely end up in a loss of interest from my side.
I prefer long term roleplays over short term. I'm down for a short term roleplay, but I feel less invested with those. The reason why simply boils down to story. I LOVE roleplays with thick, engaging, interesting storylines. Typical things like 'roommates' or 'college buddies' are all fine and dandy, but a real storyline is what gets me engaged. Short term roleplays tend to lack those.
With that all said, I'd like to add that I will not engage in NSFW roleplay if the characters do not have chemistry. It's stale, uncomfortable, and uninteresting. Story and plot is absolutely required for any NSFW roleplays.
I will not support accounts that contain pedophilia, racial prejudice, homophobia, sexism, or 'celebrity' roleplayers. The first ones are all for blatant reasons, but I just have a bit of a personal issue with celebrity roleplayers, or people who roleplay as celebrities, use their pictures, lewd them, etc.

NSFW info
Angel Dust may work as a porn star, but at least there they have rules. Outside of the studio, Angel tries his best to keep his body to himself. Touching him is like playing with fire, and this is a flame that burns.
First off, he's a homoflexible bottom. That is non-negotiable for most situations. The only situation in which he would ever top is if a dominant partner were telling him to do so as a punishment.
Second, he is traditionally submissive, but open to being dominant for the right partner. He does have a decent powerbottom side to him, so if chemistry is built, he would open to engaging with that.
Third, Angel is a kinky son-of-a-bitch. He's limitless, as a matter of fact, with one exception. Consent. Even if its dubious consent, rape RP in which Angel is completely unwilling to engage in sexual intercourse with your character is going to be hard to tackle. Please read more about it here.
Fourth, Angel doesn't discriminate between furry characters, humans, or skeletons. In fact, he's a sucker for a good knotting.
Fifth, Angel is not the traditional submissive bottom! He's not just a whore who will hook up with just anyone. He doesn't mind some flirting, but if there isn't chemistry, or your character begins taking advances that he doesn't like, he will shut the situation down by any means necessary. He needs to know someone first, then he can do that.
Sixth, Angel is able to manipulate his genitalia at will. He can switch it around to whatever will please his partner, so feel free to ask for whatever you want!
For more information on Angel's filthy and taboo kinks, click here
Taboo and filthy kinks
Angel has a few kinks that are absolutely out there. Some are so relatively unheardof that they don't appear on common kinks and limits lists. So lets get them out here, shall we?
-Scat play (Receiving). Angel is open to being shit on, in, etc.
-Watersports (Receiving). Angel is open to all forms of this.
-Watersports (Giving). Sometimes during anal, Angel will piss himself.
-Bad breath. Making Angel smell your characters bad breath through burbs, breath torture, etc.
-Creative foot play. He's down for all kinds of foot play, but get creative with it! Make him clip your toenails with his teeth, make him collect and drink the sweat, get nasty.
-"Pranks". Fart in his face, shit in his food, whatever it is. After all, its just a prank, bro.
-Waste meals. Piss steamed rice, smegma toast, shit sausages, make the little pig entire meals out of your excess.
-Wound fucking. Stab him, fuck the wound.
-Blood play. use blood as lube, get creative.
-Stomach acid. Vomit a nice load of acid on him as punishment.
-Smoke play. Take a puff, then kiss him and blow it into his lungs.
With any and every kink that is used, feel free to get creative! the only thing I won't do is total non-con, so if you have an idea for an absolutely vile, raunchy, taboo, disgusting thing for Angel to do, go for it!
Clarification for Sexual assault and Rape in an RP
When it comes to RPing with Angel Dust, you've already put yourself in a situation where things can get a little messy. This is hell, afterall. Now, here's the catch. In the Hazbin Hotel verse, Angel Dust has been canonically sexually assaulted by Valentino, presumably multiple times. He works as a pornstar for a guy who pimps him out to anyone. With my portrayal, I play Angel as if he doesn't really like his job, and he isn't interested in doing it for Valentino. If he had more control over it, he would be more willing, but being that he has no control over who he does and doesn't bang, he doesn't like it.
Now, if we were to do a scenario where your character is called in by Valentino do to a scene with Angel, technically it could be classified as rape, being that Angel doesn't want it and is merely coerced by Valentino. But, I will go through with these kinds of RPs because thats Angel's job. Thats a thing he does every other day if not every day.
If your character is Valentino, then you pretty much have a free pass. If Valentino supposedly has so much control over what Angel does and doesn't do, then it doesn't really matter what Angel says, its up to Valentino what happens. So, you have my, the writer's, full consent to do as you please, as long as its something that could realistically happen between the two.
Now, I don't normally do these kinds of RPs simply because it isn't really a thing with my other characters. My other characters are both OC's, and I specifically state on both of their pages that rape RP will not be allowed. This page, Angel Dust, is the only page I'm willing to make an exception for. That being said, I have a reason for not wanting to do it. Without getting into too awful much detail, I'll just say that Angel and I have lived nearly parallel lives in some ways, mostly the unsavory ones. So, when doing an RP involving rape or sexual assault, I will ask that it please be done so as a form of plot, story, or character building. If the rape is the entire point of the RP, I'm not gonna do it. It should serve a purpose in the plot, not be the purpose of the plot.
Now, back to where you were.